An Adult, Officially

Durham Restaurants

Well I survived my first day of a real job, which makes me officially an adult. At one point during the day I was organizing my desk and I stopped and thought I’m getting paid for this! It felt so good to have a desktop computer and voicemail and filing cabinets and other adult things that I never really had at my internship. Space just for me! Now I hope I like the actual work.


Although apparently it’s not a common occurrence, my office hosted a happy hour today. The bar was only a block from my apartment, so I parked my car at home and walked over for a glass of riesling. I’ve been feeling the ice cold German sweet wines since moving into the intense heat of NC summers. The table ordered nachos, bruschetta, and sweet potato fries with blue cheese. I felt it was too early to take out the camera around co-workers, so I enjoyed the appetizers undocumented. The nachos were fabulous because the chips were the thick, crusty kind (I think that means they were fried?). I observed that others only had one drink, so I sipped my water after one glass and headed home to find Matt making plans for yet another outing. So I changed clothes and headed back to the same bar for a birthday dinner with some of Matt’s new friends.


I hydrated and then ordered the same riesling! Given that I’d already eaten, I ordered a small salad of pecans, blue cheese, and oranges. It actually was kind of blah. I think it was because I didn’t care for the dressing….


And then we celebrated the birth of a new friend! Not sure what this was, but it was mousse-like and the bite I had was delish.


I left Matt at the bar because I’ve got to get to bed. Yall know I don’t do well with waking up early and I need to squeeze in a workout tomorrow morning or it won’t happen. Night!

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  • Mom
    July 29, 2011 at 11:25 am

    Love that beer glass. Should I know who the gentlemen is?

    • Laura
      July 29, 2011 at 1:43 pm

      Not sure, but I think it was a Natty Green’s glass…

  • jranolajoyce
    July 29, 2011 at 1:28 pm

    Your dress is so cute! Congrats on the job!!!! 🙂

    • Laura
      July 29, 2011 at 1:43 pm


  • thisthatandtheotherthang
    July 29, 2011 at 10:00 pm

    Congrats girl! I felt the same way after I started my very first ‘adult’ job. There’s such a sense of accomplishment and achievement that you can’t explain. I hope that you enjoy it hun!

  • Kelli H (Made in Sonoma)
    July 30, 2011 at 12:52 pm

    Looks super fun! I just had a great German Riesling and am also loving them!