The Beginning of the End

Brooklyn Weekends

Of summer that is. Anyone else tired after the weekend?  I feel like we’re rushing to cram all of the fun into these last few weeks of summer.

My in-laws came to visit from Maryland, so we were out and about all weekend; we did a ton of walking.

Before they arrived, I took the ferry to Manhattan to meet Matt on Friday.  We didn’t really have a plan, but ended up strolling to Tribeca and stumbling upon the 911 memorial. I wasn’t expecting to feel so emotional when we looked over the edge, but the air just feels heavy there.

We walked over to an awesome park and playground in Tribeca, and Emerson had a blast on this carousel and climbing nets.  We had a hard time prying her off, but when we realized it was past 6, we decided to grab a quick bite at El Vez Burrito Bar.  We shared ceviche and short rib enchiladas and it was a perfect happy hour date. We spent the rest of Friday cleaning our apartment for Matt’s parents.

Saturday, I went to a quick GRIT class at the gym and then Matt headed off to his the final came of his men’s soccer league summer season.  And they won! Meanwhile, Matt’s parents arrived via train and met up with Matt for the game and lunch (while I put Em down for her nap.)

I didn’t snap a single picture, but we had a lovely dinner at Colonie in Brooklyn and then brought home pastries from Mia’s bakery on Saturday night.

Sunday we walked across the Brooklyn Bridge!  It was crowded but I enjoyed this more than I expected!

We grabbed brunch at a little Australian cafe with incredible food called Hole in the Wall.  Hello pulled pork benedict!!

We took the ferry home and chilled during nap time, and then headed right back out when Emerson woke up at 3:30.  It was HOT in the afternoon, so we searched for shade along the water and enjoyed wine, cheese, and olives while Em pointed out all the bugs and tried to use the cheese knives.

We ended the weekend with Indian takeout and more wine:)  Matt’s parents took the train home on Monday and just like that another week began.

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