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Throw-in-a-Pan Veggie Curry

Cooking Food

I’ve received a bunch of requests for the veggie curry recipe I’m always making (I pretty much make this every Thursday), so here it is!  I usually wing-it, but I know many people prefer a formal recipe to follow.  I’m an impulsive, sloppy cook, and get annoyed with measuring; that is actually how this dish was born.  I think it evolved from an Indian Shrimp Curry recipe that I liked and adapted over time. Here’s what you’ll need for two…

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Back to Boston

Food Travel Weekends

Despite hours in the car and boatloads of New York traffic, we had a terrific weekend in Boston.  It’s hard to believe we moved from Boston in 2011, and have only been back once!  I wish we could have spent a whole week there, visiting the restaurants and our old hood, but we had people to see! We visited friends from grad school up in Winchester on Thursday and Friday, and then friends from Davidson in Boston on Saturday.  Both…

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New Food Finds

Cooking Food

TJ’s Green Goddess Salad Dressing – I’m the world’s pickiest when it comes to store bought salad dressing.  The only other one I’ve ever liked was this lemon dressing from Whole Foods. But I like this one!!  And it’s cheap and pretty healthy, so this is a win. Synergy 48oz kombucha – This isn’t really a new discovery, but more of a realization that this huge kombucha is only $8.99 and it’s a way better value that the small ones.…

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