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Emerson’s Big News

Baby Life Pregnancy

I’ve been dreaming of the day when I could sit down and write this post. But I’ve also been thinking a lot about pregnancy announcements this time around because I’m more aware of how many people hurt when they see them. The list of people I know who are struggling with infertility or who have had a miscarriage is getting longer every year. If that’s one of you, just know that I’m thinking about you as I write this. Emerson’s…

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Emerson’s Birth Story: Part II

Baby Life Pregnancy

Catch up on part I here. And so began the worst hour of my life. Good thing this story ends with the best moment of my life! I actually don’t remember much of this part of the story, either because the body is designed to forget the pain or because it was almost an out-of-body experience. The contractions were coming every 2 minutes or so and lasting 60-90 seconds, giving me very little time to recover in between. The best…

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Emerson’s Birth Story: Part I

Baby Life Pregnancy

Without further adieu, my birth story! I apologize in advance for being a bit wordy. — At my 40 week appointment, my doctor decided to go ahead and get me on the schedule for an induction at 42 weeks. Unfortunately, there were already people scheduled and there was also a waiting list, so my only option was Wednesday, 10/12, which was exactly 41.5 weeks. I would’ve loved just one or two more days, because by induction day, I knew I…

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Baby Life Pregnancy

Emerson Grace Allen! Born last Wednesday, October 12th, at 12:41pm. She weighed 8lbs 5ozs and was 20.6 inches long. I’m turning 31 today, and she’s by far the best birthday gift I could have received. We’re celebrating with grandma and grandpa with a trip to the pediatrician, takeout and cake, and hopefully a waddle around the block. I have to give a shout out to Matt, who has been AMAZING this past week! We love little Emerson so much already!…

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Due Date Update

Baby Life Pregnancy

Happy October 1st! I’m so excited to see this day on the calendar, but probably like most first time moms, I thought maybe something would have happened by now! How I’m feeling My body feels decent. I’m still energized most days, which is not at all what I expected. I went through a couple of tough weeks when school started in August, but I think I’m used to the routine now. There’s definitely more pressure on my pelvic bones, and…

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Thoughts from a Thursday

Pregnancy Ramblings

-Another week has gone by and we’re still date-nighting and nesting. This past week, we had kombucha at Remedy and then a nice, long dinner at favorite HG Supply. -I’ve never felt more organized and efficient at work. I’m keeping my inbox to the bare minimum and I reply with lightning speed every time something comes up. I worry about going into labor with unfinished business, and I don’t want to have to think about a thing during maternity leave.…

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Counting Down

Pregnancy Ramblings

We’re down to the final weeks over here, and I feel like I’m ready? Things are in order at work (for now), and the nest is ready. Thanks to Matt for doing 10 million things around the house to get us organized. We had one last meeting with our doula yesterday, and reviewed some of the relaxation techniques for labor. I’m excited! I’d like to make it to my cut and color appointments next weekend, and then we have ZERO…

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Thoughts from a Thursday

Pregnancy Ramblings

A couple of women at school have exclaimed “THE BABY HAS DROPPED” when I walked into the workroom.  I guess so? I’m not sure! I finally bit the bullet and bought a pair of Tom’s flats I’ve been eyeing for fall (Taupe Suede). Pregnancy has def kept me from spending money on clothes, but I miss shopping, especially this time of year. Is it realistic to think I’ll read some novels this fall?  I created a reading list on Amazon…

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Back To The Grind, For Now


Hi! Whew, last week was a whirlwind. Going back to work is always crazy, but this year I’m moving more slowly and tire more easily. I finally feel like I’m back in a routine, but last week felt exhausting. One of the PE teachers found me a giant yoga ball, and I’ve been using that at my desk and alternating between the ball and the chair. My back just aches sitting at the computer, and I’m most comfortable when I’m…

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