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Work was busy busy today, which was stressful and exciting at the same time. It certainly made the day pass by much more quickly, but it left me feeling a little drained. I babysat late this evening, so PB + jelly was enjoyed on the run. I won’t bore you with photos, although I do think it’s a beautiful sandwich. I managed to find the energy to have a lego battle, and once I put the kids to bed, I…

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Notes from a Monday:


Waking up late and having to rush through my oatmeal put me in a bad mood. Matt claims he’s still a terps fan, but he couldn’t help but smile when Curry hit amazing 3’s. I missed my computer soooo much this weekend and I’m way more productive when I have it. There’s talk of a legit blizzard tomorrow night. I’m so glad to have habanero wraps back in my life. I’m not as glad to have Monday class back in…

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Exercise Entertainment


The extra 45 minutes of sleep really made a difference today…or maybe it was the split second I fell asleep while babysitting this afternoon….oops. Either way, I made a lot of progress on a report and felt energized. I had to babysat a little later than usual today so I packed this guy as an early dinner/snack. But when Jon’s mom arrived home with a large pizza, I decided the pb and jelly could be saved for tomorrow:) I also…

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