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That Skincare Post

Life Pregnancy Shopping Skincare & Beauty

It seems everyone and their brother sister is writing that skincare post. I’m going to do the same because I’ve discovered so many great skincare/beauty/household products through blogs and social media. I want to pass along the favor to anyone who might be looking to try something new! It has taken me nearly 3 years to switch most of my skincare, makeup, and hair products to cleaner/safer alternatives both because I couldn’t afford to buy everything at once and because…

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Thoughts from a Thursday, Beach Edition

Thursday Thoughts Travel

Yesterday was the most relaxing flight experience we’ve had with a kid – no scary taxi cab on crazy NYC highways and I sat across the aisle while Matt and Em did a new sticker book for the one hour flight. My new Toms arrived Tuesday and I really like them (haven’t had a pair of Toms in a while) – they have a slightly metallic gold sheen to them. Emerson literally squealed for ten minutes straight when she first…

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