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Thoughts from a Thursday

Thursday Thoughts

-How are you all? I’m almost too tired to think. I can’t even imagine how these reporters feel staying up late into the night for days. Their concealer must must be amazing. -We had a taste of winter weather over here, but I’m excited for a weekend back in the 70’s. It’s hard thinking about winter knowing that indoor activities aren’t really an option this year. -We had a fun time at the zoo last weekend. We celebrated my dad’s…

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Thoughts from a Thursday

Life Ramblings

-I just finished reading Oh Crap! Potty Training by Jamie Glowacki, and can I say that I’m dreading this more than any other stage I’ve encountered  thus far.  The idea of being locked in my apartment with a naked toddler sounds horrible, but I have a couple of friends who swear by this method. -You may have heard I got a new nephew this week!! Look at that big yawn! -Emerson is obsessed with her practically preschool class, and I am…

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