Avery at Six Months

Baby Life Parenting

Avery is six months old (well 7 next week) and she is just an absolute joy!  6-12 months is my favorite stage EVER and if I could keep having babies in this stage, I would:)

She is obsessed with Emerson – won’t eat if Em’s in the room and looks for her everywhere the minute she hears Em’s voice.  I LOVE that they are starting to interact and cannot wait to see them play together in the coming months.  Avery is taking Emerson’s snacks, pulling her hair, putting all Em’s toys in her month, and trying to hit books when we are reading.  Avery does not want to be left out!!

She’s started getting up on all fours and is just kind of rocking, and she’s sliding across the hardwoods.  We keep finding her in corners wondering how she got over there. She got stuck under this bookcase this morning:)

She’s still waking up in the middle of the night, though we’ve finally dropped the feeding.  I moved her to her crib in her own room after her 6 month appointment, so now we just need to gear up for sleep training. Right now we’re just going in after five minutes and putting her paci back in/soothing her, but I know we need to just let her cry a little longer and not stay so long once we go in.  Maybe this weekend?

She’s loving almost all solids and has been eating up a storm.  I’m ready to be done breastfeeding every three hours!! Avery doesn’t get carried around all the time like her sister, so she absolutely loves to be carried around the house with me.  Her second  tooth popped up this week! She’s the happiest baby except when she has GI issues, which is often it seems. The only other thing that makes her furious is getting her nose wiped.

I’m so excited for these next couple of months with her, but sad that so many people are missing out on seeing her in person right now:( Time sure is flying by!!

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  • Ruthie
    April 29, 2020 at 8:55 am

    Avery is so adorable! How wonderful she loves her sissy and is so good natured! Do the girls play hide n’seek yet.
    Emerson could definitely take the lead on that game. My sons used to do that with similar age spacing and it was so fun!

    • Laura
      April 29, 2020 at 2:46 pm

      Thanks – they’ve been playing peek a boo, but no hide and seek yet!