At-Home Dermaplaning

Skincare & Beauty

Have you heard of dermaplaning? It’s an exfoliation method utilizing a small scalpel to remove hair, dead skin cells, and other build-up on the top layer of the skin. It leaves your skin smoother and helps makeup and products absorb into your skin a bit better (making them more effective) since there’s not a barrier of dead skin and peach fuzz.  It’s typically done in a dermatologist’s office or med spa, but I’ve recently learning that tons of people do it at home!  It first came to my attention when I saw an ad for one of those fancy electric dermaplaning tools. Upon further research, I stumbled upon small Tinkle Razors that many people use on their faces, and I figured I’d try the cheaper method before spending $100. Since there are a lot of imitation Tinkle Razors out there, I went with this very similar Exfoliating Dermaplaning Tool on Amazon.

Before (never thought I’d be taking makeup-up free close-ups to share with the internet, but here we are):

I watched a ton of tutorials online (just Google).  I was pretty nervous about cutting myself, but the women in all of the videos assured me it won’t happen if you’re careful (foreshadowing….).  The above picture is my skin with nothing on it after I washed my face in preparation. It was recommended to use something that deep cleans and tightens skin, so I used my charcoal bar.

Right after:

It’s a little red, but not too bad and looks a little brighter.  It’s kind of hard to see in this picture, but I have nicks down the ridge of my nose, my chin, and my jaw line. The process probably took me 10-15 minutes, and I followed the directions to hold the tool at an angle, pull skin tight, and move in a downward motion. The build up of hair and gunk on the tool was so gross!!  The main problem I had is that you can’t feel when you are cutting yourself.  So what I thought was just normal gunk coming off was actually a bit of skin from my nose! Contrary to all the tutorials I watched, it was VERY easy to cut yourself. I have really sensitive skin, and my skin did feel a little irritated afterwards.

The next day:

I could definitely tell a difference the next day and my products felt so good going on! My skin is a little brighter, smoother, and my sun spots look a little better.

The couple of times I put on foundation, it blended so well!

Overall, I LOVED how my skin felt (so soft and smooth) after dermaplaning. That said, having like 5 cuts on my face was annoying and embarrassing, so this was the biggest drawback. I even tried again two weeks later and was extra careful, and still got a few nicks.  They were smaller and only took like 48 hours to heal, but still annoying. I know people are probably wondering about the hair growing back – after two weeks, I did notice a little coming back, but it wasn’t thicker or weird. I still have 2 of the tools left (it’s recommended that you throw them out after 1-2 times), so I think I’ll finish the package and then decide if I want to buy more.  I’m actually temped to buy the more expensive tool now because I’m guessing it would be easier to use without cutting yourself? I I’ll have to investigate.

I would love to hear your experience if you’ve tried it!

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  • Lauren
    June 16, 2020 at 3:22 pm

    wow, interesting! i can really see a difference in your next day and you convinced me to buy those schick razors!