Day in the Life


Hey y’all.

Taking a break from cleaning the house for the 100th time this week to type up this day in the life post. I’m finding my days have changed a lot since Avery has become mobile and I started a new job. Luckily, I have a break in work this week as I turned in two big reports last week!

7:30 – Avery was up from 2-3 crying on and off due to teething, so I was relieved that she slept in! I still feel like a zombie from being up and was happy to have a warm cup of tea to wake me up. Matt helps a lot in the morning by making Emerson’s lunch and doling out the overnight oats. I was able to finish sending out a Beautycounter newsletter out the new deodorant that launched.

Right after she said ‘no harm done’ in response to her oatmeal being too hot:)

8:40 – Matt and I get Avery and Emerson dressed in warm clothes and in the car. I hate cold weather! I do enjoy getting dressed and out of the house first thing in the morning because it helps me to mentally start the day versus sitting around in my pajamas. Emerson absolutely loves going to school, so it’s nice to see her get excited to pull up to her school each day.

9:10 – After we take Emerson to school, Avery and I hang out and I try to pick up around the house. I started a load of laundry and found Avery in Emerson’s room going through her jewelry box. She enjoys having full access to Emerson’s room when Em is at school:)

9:30 – Avery goes down for her morning nap. Even though she slept in, I’m trying to keep morning naps 9:30 to 11 at the latest so that she’ll still take a short afternoon nap. I need to work out since I don’t have any meetings/urgent to-do items but I really just want to lay on the couch and scroll. Knowing that I’ll feel 100 times better, I decide to do 20 minutes of low intensity weight lifting. Five minutes in, I already feel so much better and more awake. I use the rest of Avery’s nap to review an IEP in preparation for an afternoon meeting and to take a quick shower. If I can fit a workout, some work, and a shower into Avery’s morning nap, I’m winning for the day!

11:00 – I wake Avery up and get her dressed, then put on a little dew skin and mascara before making lunch. I’ve been giving her mostly cold/mashed food because of her teeth. She doesn’t eat much at all, so I give her a pouch and cow’s milk so she has more in her tummy. I heat up some minestrone and add crockpot chicken to it for some protein. By the time I’m finishing up my lunch, Avery is crying at my feet (poor thing!). All I have to do is mention a walk (she’s obsessed with going outside) and she runs over to our storage bench and gets her boots and coat.

12 – We take a nice walk (the sun feels so good). Matt calls me halfway through and says he’s taking a break, so we meet up and walk until it’s time to pick up Emerson’s at 12:50.

At 1, I pick up Emerson and we come home, wash hands, and everyone gets a snack. I think it’s a hard transition for Emerson to go from school to home, especially if she has not eaten her lunch or has been holding out on going to the bathroom. We go out to the back porch to play on the trampoline and slide and Emerson has some big feelings about wearing a coat and sharing the slide. So we make our way upstairs and get ready for nap and rest time.

By 2:15, Emerson is doing her quiet time (PS: this has been awesome for her to do independently during rest time). I’m nervous that Avery won’t fall asleep and I have a 3:00 zoom meeting. Luckily, she’s asleep by 2:30. I meet with school staff/parents about a reevaluation and use the rest of the free time to purchase the rating scales I’ll need for the eval and then do some Beautycounter work.

4:00 – Emerson gets to watch tv after her quiet time (usually so I can get dinner prepped) and she has now learned how to work the remote:) I get Avery up and they both get snacks. Dinner is from Nourish! We’ve been ordering two of their plant-based meals each week since I started my job. All I have to do is transfer to a dish and heat in the oven for 30 minutes.

5:30 – We have the pasta dish (and I made pasta for the girls) for dinner. Matt usually takes a break from work at this time and he enjoys catching up with Emerson about her day. We then have an incident with Emerson getting a teething ring out of the freezer and shutting Avery’s finger in the freezer draw (A wasn’t hurt too badly because I was able to pull the door back right when it was happening). This lots of crying and chaos from both girls, so we decide to take everyone up for bed at 6:15. Emerson is so tired these days since she no longer naps and I’m finding going up really early prevents major meltdowns. We get both girls ready for bed and they play in Emerson’s room a bit. Avery goes down right at 7 and Matt puts Em down shortly after while I get ready for bed.

7:30 – Matt and I clean up the kitchen and then pretty much collapse on the couch. Most mights we work from 7:30-8:30/9 causally on the couch. By 9 we turn on The Bachelor and zone out (the most restorative part of the day for me!)

10:30 – Brush teeth, read in bed, SLEEP!!!

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