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Food Buzz, aka Food Coma


After a looong day of travel, I’m here! Kath and I checked into the Galleria Park Hotel in Union Square, where there was a roaring fire for this coldish November day and a swanky lobby. We rested for a quick minute, and then headed out to soak up the streets of San Francisco, since today was really our only moment of free time in the city. We witnessed an interesting protest, complete with a naked wo[man]? I decided that today…

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Bull City Bites

Durham Travel

My sister is in town because we are traveling to San Francisco to attend the annual Foodbuzz festival (my first!!) tomorrow. Since my Dad just had a birthday, my family gathered in Durham for an evening of celebration. We started at my apartment with some Prosecco that I received as a gift at my Halloween party. Yumm, this was good and very refreshing after a four-day (!) work week. We headed to dinner at Bull City burger, an awesome brewery…

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Pumpkin Sampler

Amazing Restaurants Durham Restaurants

This weekend was just fabulous. I couldn’t have asked for better weather and I did a lot of relaxing. I wasn’t able to go out Friday night because of a stomach ache, but I got a great night’s sleep and was feeling energized on Saturday morning. I went to the mall to run some errands and eyed some things I might like if I’m lucky enough to get any birthday cash:) I made some last minute plans to hang out…

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Cake for Dinner, Cake for Dessert

Amazing Restaurants Travel

My goodness, I packed a lot of fun into this 48 hour vacation. Matt and I brought a bottle of wine from home, so yesterday evening we headed to the little gazebo on the marsh to enjoy cocktail hour at dusk. We’ve been saving this bottle of wine since 2007! I believe the bottle is from my sister’s wedding weekend, so there’s some significance behind this very peppery zin. Mmmm…it was delish! Unfortunately, bugs love Matt’s scent, and we had…

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Barbecue in the Garden

The Working World

So I think I jinxed myself when I said I was excited for a Monday full of work – it was the longest day ever. I felt exhausted by 11 am and I didn’t have much work to do, so the time passed more slowly. I was also anticipating the evening, so it felt like a Friday. Unfortunately, when 5 o’clock finally hit, I had a massive headache. Despite how I was feeling, I met some really nice partners while…

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Oh Hey Houston


Thursday was mostly dedicated to traveling, but we did have time for a short visit + lunch in Albuquerque before our flight. We walked around the Old Town area, and stumbled across the rattlesnake museum. We didn’t have time to go in, but they had big turtles crawling around outside. And then we spotted the cage labeled “desert scorpion.” I’ve spent most of the trip tiptoeing around and trying to avoid corners in fear of these guys, so when one…

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So the plan was to ride bikes on some fun trail with a scenic view, but the trails were closed because of the fires:( We were disappointed at first, but quickly discovered that the roads were just as scenic! We did a little in-town riding at the beginning and I love looking at the sculptures along Canyon road. I wish we had had more time to explore all of the wonderful galleries. After four hours though, I was so done with…

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A Brief Respite


Guess who? Nope…not Larbs this time. A big ‘Hello’ from Matt, the caring BF. I’m not sure if it was L’s nudging or my sincere desire to allow the GF a full day of vacationing (read: no blogging…though, I’ll admit, she did upload the pics ahead of time), but I’m jumping into the ring to write a quick guest post. Have no fear, however, Laura will be back tomorrow with a much more colorful description of our activities and great…

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Suculent Scottsdale


T’was another relaxing day in the desert. We went to the gym at the resort and then did a driving tour of Phoenix because it was too hot for walking. We headed back to Scottsdale to try another fun restaurant. I actually picked this one because I read about Caitlin’s dining experience a while ago and remembered to put it on the list. Culinary Dropout had a great beer selection, so Matt and I both ordered local brews to go…

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