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Avery’s Birth Story

Baby Pregnancy

Isn’t it funny how quickly your brain forgets about labor?  It’s only been 3 weeks, and I already look back on Avery’s arrival and cannot believe my body birthed an 8 lb human!  If you’ve read Emerson’s birth story (Part I, Part II), you’ll know that I had to wait a while for an epidural and it was awful. My goal for Avery’s labor was simply not to wait too long to get to the hospital and not to wait…

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Baby Charlotte Pregnancy Weekends

Well, another October First, with another baby, has come and [almost] gone.  I’d expected that this one would be late too, but got my hopes up around 38 weeks when baby dropped and I started having some cramps and sporadic contractions.  I don’t mind that much, as I’ve had such a relaxing week, but I am just ready to meet her so I can stop being nervous about labor and a healthy baby! I’m  not scared of labor like I…

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