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Life Lately

Life Weekends

Man, I really feel like life has been happening to me lately rather than feeling any sense of control. I can’t keep up! I’m really looking forward to finishing up work and reclaiming my evening time again. Despite the chaos, we’ve been doing lots of fun things since getting our vaccines!! We’ve gone out to dinner three times and it’s amazing! Spending one-on-one time with Matt and having a break from cooking, cleaning, and bedtime is so essential for my…

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Day in the Life in the Queen City


The last time I wrote one of these posts, my routine was a bit different. I’m out and about so much more than when I lived in NY. I love the variety of my days now, but man do they leave me exhausted at the end! I wouldn’t change a thing though. 7:50am – I hear Emerson yelling “Mom, go downstairs” from her crib. I’ve been trying to set an alarm and get up before Em more often, but Matt…

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