Thoughts from a Thursday

Thursday Thoughts

-I’m attempting to re-upholster a $50 ottoman from Homegoods with a stapler this weekend, so wish me luck

-I saw this idea about introducing an older child to a new baby, but not sure I’d have the energy to take the toddler searching for the baby:)  If you’ve had two children, did you do anything special for the introduction?

-Newborn diapers are en route to my house so things are getting real.

-I love back-to-school season – we had meet the teacher, a parents social, and Em’s first day.  Going to the events as a parent made me a little less sad about not being at St. John’s (my school in Dallas) this year.

-I put a tub of creamy Whole Foods spinach dip in the crockpot with some chicken breast and it made for the most delicious dinner last night.

-Beautycounter is offering a free Overnight Resurfacing Peel when you join the loyalty program and make a $50 purchase this month, which is an incredible deal (I think they are only doing it to get rid of products in the old packaging…)

-Matt and I just started The Americans and I’m fascinated by it.

-What clothing items are on your list for fall? I’ll probably only be shopping in my own closet for a while, but still love looking at fall clothes.

Oprah is coming to Charlotte and I’d love to go see her!!

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  • Lauren
    September 6, 2019 at 7:56 am

    We had my parents bring my 2.5 year old to the hospital to meet baby brother. Older sister brought little brother a stuffed toy. It was definitely cute and she was very interested in meeting him. However, when it was time to leave, she had a massive meltdown. She is and was super attached to me and leaving really rocked her world. It was so incredibly stressful on me because I could not comfort her adequately because I was recovering from a C-section, she did not understand why she had to leave, and the baby was having blood sugar issues and we were under pressure from staff to feed him CONSTANTLY (which was contrary to what the sleepy baby who had just been through 30 hours of labor wanted). It really upset me and I had a hard time remaining in the hospital after that because I was so worried about my oldest. SO, if I had to do it all over again….I would have just brought baby home when we were discharged. My daughter would not have known she was “missing out” and it would have been a smoother transition in general.

    • Laura
      September 6, 2019 at 11:36 am

      Oh no – that sounds stressful, and I could see Emerson having a meltdown. I was thinking it would be good to wait a little longer too, but don’t think my mom will be able to stand not meeting baby right away (and she’ll be in charge of Emerson)…

  • Alice
    September 6, 2019 at 8:48 am

    Absolutely loved The Americans! I was sad when it finished, but I enjoyed the ending 😊

  • Sarah
    September 6, 2019 at 11:07 am

    I had planned on buying a gift for our toddler from the new baby and vice versa but that didn’t happen lol. What we did was talk about how our 2 1/2 year old would soon be a big sister and how she would have a baby sister or brother soon. My husband brought her to the hospital to meet the new baby and we all went home together. Our toddler was excited to meet the baby and wanted to say hi, but was most excited about the M&M candies she found in the hospital room (the only thing my husband has brought for himself)…it’s been a great adjustment here adding baby, hope the same for you!

    • Laura
      September 6, 2019 at 11:34 am

      Haha – funny about the M&M’s. Thank you!

  • Emma
    September 6, 2019 at 11:21 am

    I was due about a week apart from you with #2 and ended up having her early at 36 weeks last week! I had planned on having a gift from baby to my older daughter (she’s 2) but hadn’t gotten it yet. When our older daughter arrived (day 2 in post delivery so we had some time to adjust) the baby was in the little bassinet. I had read it’s good for the mom to not hold the baby so it doesn’t look like it’s replacing the older sibling. But to be honest our older daughter is baby crazy and not very attached to me (or anyone) so there was never a “my mommy” issue. She got to see the baby then hold her. My husband I we’re both a bit overwhelmed going from newborn pace back to crazy non stop toddler! So a short visit was good and she asked to come back the following day so she came again.

    A friend shared another approach…she had the baby in the bassinet and wheeled it out of her room. Then the older sibling arrived, saw mom, and then baby was wheeled in and that was the moment the older one “became a big sister”. Makes it more about the older child which works for some kids.

    Our daughter has been reading “Little Miss Big Sis” book for months so we had talked through the fact that I would go to the hospital, she would then come visit to meet the baby and then in a few days Mom and Dad would come home with the baby.

    Best wishes on the transition!

    • Laura
      September 6, 2019 at 11:33 am

      Oh my goodness – congrats! And thanks for taking the time to share. Hope you can get some sleep!

  • Laura
    September 6, 2019 at 1:57 pm

    We had talked a lot in advance about how we were going to the hospital and the doctor would help get the baby out (I’m sure you have as well!). We didn’t do anything big. My husband picked up Emma from school and brought her to the hospital to meet Kevin. He was in the bassinet next to me and she seemed fine. She sat in bed with me and we let her hold Kevin with my help and then she was pretty over it and was more interested in jumping off the couch in the room. We did buy her a stuffed lemur she’d wanted for Kevin to give her which she was pretty pumped about. A year later and she still loves it and says how Kevin gave it to her. I think sometimes people make it too elaborate when they introduce siblings.

  • Tracy
    September 7, 2019 at 11:49 am

    We didn’t do anything big either. We did let older sister into the room first to meet baby and then told her she could announce the baby’s name to grandparents that were there. It was really cute. My husband went home with our older daughter so I wasn’t stressed about her. I think keeping it simple is best, maybe a small lolly or something. Best of luck, you are so close 😀

    • Laura
      September 9, 2019 at 3:01 pm

      Thank you! And love the idea of announcing the name:)

  • Molly Nicol
    September 10, 2019 at 3:17 pm

    The hospital I delivered my second in had an older siblings class so we went and they did something I wouldn’t have thought of: they asked us each to bring a picture of the older sibling as a baby and the instructor went around to each kid and pointed out something about the photo to teach the kids about how newborns are (ie. they mostly just sleep and eat a lot at first). I thought it was so sweet and smart to root it in who the older kids were as babies and give them special attention while at the same time preparing them in a practical, low stakes way, for how their households will change.

    • Laura
      September 12, 2019 at 9:41 pm

      Very sweet. We are signed up for a sibling class next weekend!