Thoughts from a Thursday

Restaurants Thursday Thoughts

-I’m really craving hot apple crisp, but ice cream will have to do in this weather.

-Fingers crossed Emerson is finally sleeping better.  Her terrible sleep lasted about 2 weeks, so I do think it was some sort of regression.

-I know I said I might take a break from the news, but I’m kind of obsessed with the whole whistleblower/impeachment inquiry coverage.  The whole thing is fasinating.

-Matt and I squeezed in another date night at Good Food – we sat at the bar and took our time over a few small plates.  It was such a treat being out on a Wednesday with no babysitting bill to play at the end of the night.

-I enjoyed this post on climate change, as it’s something I worry about all the time. Even though I try to do a lot of individual actions, I still feel helpless and worry that some of my other individual actions (like having things shipped from Amazon all the time) will cancel out my efforts.

-I got the Hatch Baby Rest, and although Emerson was scared of it because of her experience with the VOBOT, she’s getting used to it now. Today was the 3rd morning, and she was laughing and excited when she saw the green light come on in the morning. Hoping this will give us a few more minutes on the mornings when Em does wake up early.

-My mom and I have enjoyed having a week with essentially no plans – we got pedicures, had lunch at Emerson’s school, and went to Target.  I can’t remember the last time I had nothing on my agenda and not much on my to-do list.  I also had an induction massage today and I think it was the most relaxed I’ve been in 9 months! Heaven.

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  • Sarah
    September 27, 2019 at 6:58 am

    I have similar feelings as you do about the climate crisis. We have made a lot of changes in our house in an effort to use and waste less. I was wondering what things you have done in your life to try to make a change. (It can be especially hard with kids when time is limited and often things that are quick and easy are disposable, etc.)

    I agree with you that I also buy a lot on Amazon and feel that is one of the big things where I hurt more than I help. Have you looked into options where you can have an Amazon delivery day–where all items arrive on one day of the week? I am wondering if that helps to cut down? I know that I often feel that I want things ASAP, but realistically I rarely need things right away. I also think there is some sort of option where you can get a $5 credit if you wait longer for something to be delivered? Personally, I almost wish that Amazon weren’t so convenient–maybe we shouldn’t have the option of getting so many things so quickly and for free. I know that sounds crazy, because it is so awesome, but we can’t see the repercussions even though they are there.

    • Laura
      October 1, 2019 at 2:45 pm

      Yes – I’ve started doing the Amazon delivery day, which cuts down on deliveries, but doesn’t seem to cut down on packaging:( Distinguishing between needs and wants is a hard one for me too – especially because some wants just make life easier with kids. I’m really trying to cut down on waste in the kitchen and recently starting experimenting with reusable silicone zip locks and stretchy silicone lids that can replace plastic wrap when re-heating or storing food.

  • Sarah
    September 27, 2019 at 7:18 am

    Here are some of the things we do in our family to try to reduce our carbon footprint:

    – line-dry most of our clothes (indoors)
    – compost food scraps
    – avoid buying single-serve snacks for my kids and try to avoid foods that come with a lot of packaging, in general
    – use reusable k-cups
    – bring our own reusable shopping bags
    – I try to save and reuse pretty much anything–from cardboard boxes to packaging materials to empty jars, bottles, soap pumps, etc. We can find uses for many things that most people throw out.
    – One of the hardest things- I am trying to work on distinguishing between what I need and what I want. When I go to TJMaxx or browse Amazon, a lot of the things are wants. It is fun to buy something new or have a package land on the doorstep, but then it is one more thing that I own and takes up space in my home, that took a lot of energy to make and deliver, that I don’t really need. I am far from perfect on this, but I am trying to be more aware and mindful of the purchases, and I often find that, after the fact, I am often glad that I didn’t buy something. This can be even harder with kids, when we’;re not just buying for ourselves but for small kids who do need a lot (but not as much as we think) and it is also fun to buy for them, too!

    I am really glad you brought this topic up, because I think it is daunting and people don’t even want to think about it a lot of the time–but the changes we can make are not that hard, and they are rewarding and actually have the ability to make our lives feel fuller, and not emptier.

  • Amanda Millstein
    September 28, 2019 at 12:11 pm

    Hi Laura- I’ve read your blog a few times a d never commented. I’m a pediatrician and mom living in northern California. I am so happy to see your mention of climate change. I think many many people are in the same boat. I fully recognize you have a lot going on right now but here’s my plea- when you are ready and able, get involved!! See what’s going on in your area. Talk about climate change. One group that might be a good start is Mothers Out Front. Thanks for mentioning this and good luck. This is a hugely scary topic but we have got to act.

    • Laura
      October 1, 2019 at 2:47 pm

      Haven’t heard of Mothers Out Front – thanks for letting me know about this!

  • A
    September 30, 2019 at 12:56 pm

    I am also happy to see the climate crisis being addressed.. Buying less, reuse what we have first, refuse disposables, buying second hand or sustainable, less driving, less plane and buy carbon credit are things we can do pretty easily within our capacities. We can talk about it, sign petitions, manifest in our own way. I find that taking action every day, little by little, is the best way to feel less anxiety about it. Everybody have to chip in or this will be a durable crisis that our children will have on their hands all their lives 🙁

    • Laura
      October 1, 2019 at 2:54 pm

      I’m so surprised more people aren’t talking about it! But yeah, that’s a good point about trying to take action every day. I’m good about certain things (refusing disposables, buying sustainable, lights, heating/cooking our house), but not great about buying second hand or avoiding driving. And I def. need to do better with the whole fast fashion thing, esp when buying clothes for Emerson…

  • Sarah
    October 1, 2019 at 8:02 pm

    I became plant based 5 years ago and I’ve never looked back; meat and dairy consumption has a huge impact on the climate. I’m also an avid recycler and a big proponent of buying less. Try to assess need vs want. All of these things take practice and I’m certainly not perfect at any of them. Little steps every day give me some sense that I’m making a difference.

  • Alison
    October 3, 2019 at 8:13 pm

    Ivy’s Diaper Service in Charlotte could be an option for you if you are interested in doing any cloth diapers- they do all the washing for you!